Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Hoca #AKPninYalanlarına yalan katmaya devam ediyor!

Yine ihmal ettik bizim Fatoş'la Basri blog sayfalarını. Ben en iyisi romantik çağrıları bırakıp AKP'nin her alanda olduğu gibi ekonomi konusunda da halka söylediği yalanları ifşa etmeye devam edeyim.

Biz 7 Haziran'dan beri gelen şehit haberlerine milletçe ağlayaduralım, her geçen gün alarm zilleri veren ekonomi konusunda AKP'li kurmaylar her zaman olduğu gibi milleti kandırmaya devam ediyorlar.

Seçim öncesi canlı yayında Başbakan Ahmet Davutoğlu "90'lı yıllarda dünya büyürken biz küçülüyorduk, şimdi dünya küçülürken biz büyüyoruz" şeklinde beyanat vermiş.. Halkına hemen hemen her konuda yalan söyleyen bu partinin, başındaki bu akademisyen Hoca'nın AKP'nin yalanlarına yalan katmaya devam etmesine şaşırmadım ama bu kadar da alenen yalan söylenmez ki...İşte AKP'nin elde ettiği büyüme rakamları ile ilgili gerçekler:

AKP's New PM Continues Lies about the State of Turkish Economy

It's not the first time AKP Officials have lied to Turkish voters about the state of the Turkish economy, but it looks like the new PM of Turkey, Ahmet Davutoglu, will continue to sell snake oil to voters when it comes to the economy. 

It is true that the Turkish economy had outperformed growth in world GDP in the first few years AKP came to power. Although it wasn't necessarily new for the Turkish economy to benefit from the general growth trends of the world economy, and at times outperform it, AKP's PR machine was very successful in its early years when it came to attributing that success to AKP's economic miracle.

Such a miracle is clearly non-existent nowadays, but AKP PM continues to paint a pretty picture, even when it means blatantly lying to the Turkish voters. 

In a recent TV interview shortly before the June 7th elections, Turkish PM claimed that "in the 90s Turkish economy was shrinking while the world economy grew" and further stipulated that "nowadays Turkish economy is growing while the world economy is shrinking."

The problem with that statement is that it's simply NOT TRUE. Here's the truth about the Turkish economy Erdogan and Davutoglu is successfully hiding from the Turkish public, as everyone's focus shifted to the recent terrorist attacks.

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